
Litigation and Arbitration

The Firm represents and assists its clients in civil and commercial disputes before Judicial Authority and arbitration boards.

The Firm has remarkable experience in the protection and credit recover of its clients, carrying out during the pre-litigation phase detailed assets investigations on the counterparts aimed to best advise the client on the most effective and appropriate action for compulsory recovery of credit.

The Firm directly deals with mortgage enrolment and distraints’ transcriptions resulting in
speeding up of the executive phase and reducing cost for clients.


Commercial Law

The Firm handles negotiation and drafting according to international legal standard of every variety of commercial agreement functional to import and export of enterprise’s business.

The Firm handles, also, negotiation and drafting of any agreement related to the development of the enterprise’s sales network: from agency agreements, to distribution agreements, to supply agreements, to toll-manufacturing agreements.

Any agreement is drafted taking into account the specific and particular needs of the individual business, thus offering to the client a personalised, targeted and effective advice.


Corporate Law

The Firm provides legal solutions in any issues related to business’s corporate structure, generational transition, acquisitions or transfer of companies and shares even through negotiation and drafting of complex agreements.



The Firm handles the business crisis, as well as protects company’s credit in case of bankruptcy or admission of debtor enterprise to an insolvency procedure.


Real estate

The Firm assists clients on real estate transactions such as acquisitions, transfer and bailment of real estates in general both for private and business use.


Family Law, of children and individuals

The Firm deals with the protection of individual and children against family abuses during the cohabitation or marriage, as well as with the protection of person who is prevented, partially or temporarily, from managing its own interests through to the resort to amministratore di sostegno (a person who acts in a professional capacity for people who can’t make decisions for themselves because of temporary or permanent lack of mental capacity).

The Firm also develops specific agreements which allow persons cohabiting to settle the asset and economic framework in view of the possible ending of relationship or untimely death of one of the cohabiting.

The Firm assists and defends the spouse in case of judicial separation and divorce, by giving priority, where possible, to the achievement of agreed solutions which allow a prompt end of litigation.

The Firm handles the protection – even before de judicial authority – of children.